#Style guide for Fraser Lab website. #Written by Robbie Diaz - 2020.

#Style Guide: Publications

authors - double quotes, to avoid breaking on names with apostrophes

all other sections - indent with 2 spaces, strings in double quotes

#Names of lab members should be bolded using the following convention: Surname FM. #If there are multiple lab members in a row, include them in one set of double asterisk pairs. #Use * to add an asterisk denoting co-first/corresponding author. Otherwise, bolding of names using Surname FM will break. #For readability of code, start a new line around 140 characters. #All images and PDFs should be named using the following convention: surname_YYYY

#Leave PMID and PMCID blank until an ID is assigned.

#Do not include additional subsections if they are not relevant to a publication (PDB, data, Zenodo, etc).

#Order of links: GitHub/Data/Server, Lab Websites (alphabetical order), Facility, Twitter, F1000, News Articles #Put article strings in double quotes since they are separated by a colon – i.e. CNN: Article Name.

#Example Publication

- title:

authors: “Surname FM, Fraser JS. Title of article. Submitted - Preprint on Biorxiv. YYYY.”


pub_date: “YYYYMM”

image: “/static/img/pub/surname_YYYY.png”

pmid: “########”

pmcid: “PMC#######”

biorxiv: “YYYY.MM.DD.######”

biorxiv_version: “YYYY.MM.DD.######v1”

pdf: “/static/pdf/publications/surname_YYYY.pdf”




- pdb: PDB_ID

emdb: “#####”


- pdb: PDB_ID

emdb: “#####”

empiar: “#####”


- “10.11577/1602169”


- code: “3555658”

description: qPTxM code snapshot


- name: Fujimori lab @ UC San Francisco

url: https://fujimorilab.ucsf.edu

- name: Gonen lab @ UC Los Angeles

url: https://cryoem.ucla.edu/

- name: SACLA XFEL

url: http://xfel.riken.jp/eng/

- name: qPTxM code on GitHub

url: https://github.com/fraser-lab/qptm

- name: Celebratory Tweetstorm by first author First Surname

url: https://twitter.com/LifeHasOrder/status/1172327493451145218

- name: Celebratory Tweetstorm by corresponding author First Surname

url: https://twitter.com/mctucsf/status/1172334750205218816